*Every sentence can be divided into two parts - a subject and a predicate.
*the complete subject includes words that tell us what the sentence is about.
we were listening to music
*the complete predicate includes all the words that describe the action or situation of the subject.
we were listening to music.
วันจันทร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556
Prepositions of Time
*on - for dates and days
on Monday, on Christmas day,on 1 January
*At - for an exact time
at noon, at bedtime,at breakfast,at night,at 6 o'clock
*In - for times of the day,long periods and seasons.
in the Morning, in May, in winter, in the twentieth century
*on - for dates and days
on Monday, on Christmas day,on 1 January
*At - for an exact time
at noon, at bedtime,at breakfast,at night,at 6 o'clock
*In - for times of the day,long periods and seasons.
in the Morning, in May, in winter, in the twentieth century
Comparison of adjectives and adverbs
*Comparative from of adjectives and adverbs help us to show the difference between two things.
Paul is taller than his brother.
Here,the word taller describes Paul in comparison with his brother. Most adjectives and adverbs of one syllable are changes to their comparative from be adding -er+than to the word.
Cold - colder than; simple - simpler than
*Adjectives and adverbs of two or more than two Syllables are changed into their comparative form by adding more than or less than.
beautiful - more than or less than.
*Superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs are used when a subject is compared to two or more things.
The giraffe is the tallest animal on land.
The superlative form of tall is tallest.In this sentence,the giraffe is compared to all other animals onland. The superlative form have the + -est added to the main word.
the coldest place on earth; the simplest way to solve the problem
The superlative from have the most added to the main word.
beautiful - the most beautiful
Paul is taller than his brother.
Here,the word taller describes Paul in comparison with his brother. Most adjectives and adverbs of one syllable are changes to their comparative from be adding -er+than to the word.
Cold - colder than; simple - simpler than
*Adjectives and adverbs of two or more than two Syllables are changed into their comparative form by adding more than or less than.
beautiful - more than or less than.
*Superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs are used when a subject is compared to two or more things.
The giraffe is the tallest animal on land.
The superlative form of tall is tallest.In this sentence,the giraffe is compared to all other animals onland. The superlative form have the + -est added to the main word.
the coldest place on earth; the simplest way to solve the problem
The superlative from have the most added to the main word.
beautiful - the most beautiful
*An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun.
There is an old tree behind the shed.
*An adjective gives us more information about the subject in the sentence-what kind,how many,which one.
orange flowers,black pony,five stars,one hour,baked beans
*A proper adjective is one that is derived out of proper noun. A proper adjective always begins with a capital letter.
Bengal tiger,American actor,French toast
*Limiting adjectives restrict the meaning of the noun without describing it.Here are some examples.
this house,some people,the man
There is an old tree behind the shed.
*An adjective gives us more information about the subject in the sentence-what kind,how many,which one.
orange flowers,black pony,five stars,one hour,baked beans
*A proper adjective is one that is derived out of proper noun. A proper adjective always begins with a capital letter.
Bengal tiger,American actor,French toast
*Limiting adjectives restrict the meaning of the noun without describing it.Here are some examples.
this house,some people,the man
*There are two kinds of articles - definite and indefinite.
*Indefinite articles (a,an) are used before a noun which is single and countable.
The article an is used for nouns that begin with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u)
This is a cherry tree.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
*The definite article (the)is used to specify a noun which is identifiable by the listenner.The noun can be singular or plural.
the park is crowded
*No articles are used when the noun indicates general situations,diseases,seasons,food,sports,materials,emotions or proper nouns.
Cricket is an interesting sport.
Swine flu is contagious.
*Indefinite articles (a,an) are used before a noun which is single and countable.
The article an is used for nouns that begin with a vowel (a,e,i,o,u)
This is a cherry tree.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
*The definite article (the)is used to specify a noun which is identifiable by the listenner.The noun can be singular or plural.
the park is crowded
*No articles are used when the noun indicates general situations,diseases,seasons,food,sports,materials,emotions or proper nouns.
Cricket is an interesting sport.
Swine flu is contagious.
วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2555
1.8 Visual Stimulus Comprehension
* Visuals can be pictures on their own or combined with words to convey meaning.
* Symbols, signs, maps, diagrams and storyboard are use viisuals for a purpose.
* All visuals contain a message. The message could be interpreted as a story, a warning, an advertisement or as information to educate or influence people to buy something or to take some action.
1. Understanding Sybols and Signs
* Sybols are internationally recognised visuals with a clear message.
*They are understood by people everywhere, no matter what language they speak.
Look at these familiar symbols used at airports, on road signs, etc, and their meanings.

* Signs use symbols, colours, words or numbers to convey a message.
* Road signs can ba a warning for driver safety ( yellow signs ) , orders to be followed ( red signs ) , or additional information ( green signs )
* A sign with a cross through it signifies something cannot be done,
Look at these signs and their meanings.
* Symbols, signs, maps, diagrams and storyboard are use viisuals for a purpose.
* All visuals contain a message. The message could be interpreted as a story, a warning, an advertisement or as information to educate or influence people to buy something or to take some action.
1. Understanding Sybols and Signs
* Sybols are internationally recognised visuals with a clear message.
*They are understood by people everywhere, no matter what language they speak.
Look at these familiar symbols used at airports, on road signs, etc, and their meanings.
* Signs use symbols, colours, words or numbers to convey a message.
* Road signs can ba a warning for driver safety ( yellow signs ) , orders to be followed ( red signs ) , or additional information ( green signs )
* A sign with a cross through it signifies something cannot be done,
Look at these signs and their meanings.
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